Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Before I came to this college, especially to the class ELS 142, I hadn’t really known about the environmental problems. Before I only heard about it in TV or some friends that talk about it that was so frequently, one thing that I knew more was Global Warming because is the biggest problem, in my opinion. In NCC I learn too much about the environment and how to take care of it. For example the lab class, when everyone did their project about places that have environmental problems and I also learn that there I something that we can do it if we really want to do it. We can do it because nothing is impossible.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

My favorite books

My favorite books are: first New Moon of course...ha-ha then The Body by Stephen King. The body is a really good story about three kids that went to search for a dead body. It sounds kind of scary and more when the book came from Stephen King. However is not about horror is more about friendship and childhood. The third of my favorite books is called Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption by Stephen king. This book is also not scary as most of the books that King writes. This story is about a guy that goes to jail without committing a crime, and at the end he escapes from prison but the way he does it, it’s really interesting. So those are my favorites so far.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the first day of snow

The snow day, my friends and me went out and made a snowman. That day we had about eight inches of snow so thats why we were able to make a snowman, and that day we all had a lot fun outside playing with the snow and making figures with it. After have been made the snowman and take some pictures with it we all start to make a snowcake which it did not look much like a cake but the good thing is that we were having fun with that. My friends start throwing snow at me and trying to get me to the ground to cover me with the snow; instead, they were the ones in the floor cover with snow haha.